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Stallion Maurus 441 sport AA

Maurus 441 sport AA

Breed: Friesian
Date of birth : 2004
Height: 1.67 m
Breed number: 441
Breeder: Meinecke-Twele, Wahrenholz Dtsl.

Maurus 441 was by far the champion of the HK in 2009.
He passes on the ability to move extra to his children. A good example is his son Joppe Ster Sport-Elite AAA (mv. Jasper 366), he won almost all of his harness classes in 2017 and was winner of the
KFPS sport competition.

5 years in a row Champion Open Class in harness, 4 times winner VHO-trophy, 5 times Champion Open Class region south and Champion Open Class regional. Maurus 441 is an outstanding sport horse. He also has the special ability to like to show.

Maurus 441 is a stallion with a lot of type, big mane, a nice rectangular model and an excellent character. In the trot he has a lot of knee action and space in his use of the forelegs. He also shows a nice canter in which he places his hind leg far under the mass.


Studfee € 600,- excl. VAT